Prex Home / Browse Source - Prex Version: 0.9.0


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
# Prex system configuration file

# Make options
makeoptions     GCCFLAGS+= -mcpu=arm7tdmi -mtune=arm7tdmi -fno-dwarf2-cfi-asm
makeoptions     ASFLAGS+= -mfpu=softfpa

# Memory address
memory          LOADER_TEXT     0x03000000      # Start of boot loader
memory          KERNEL_TEXT     0x02000000      # Start of kernel
memory          BOOTIMG_BASE    0x08002000      # Location of boot image
memory          SYSPAGE_BASE    0x03002000      # Location of system page

# Tunable paramters
options         HZ=100          # Ticks/second of the clock
options         TIME_SLICE=50   # Context switch ratio (msec)
options         OPEN_MAX=8      # Max open files per process
options         BUF_CACHE=8     # Blocks for buffer cache
options         FS_THREADS=1    # Number of file system threads

# Platform settings
options         ARM7            # Processor core
options         ROMBOOT         # Boot from ROM
options         BOOTDISK        # Disk for /boot directory

# General setup
options         POSIX           # POSIX support
options         CMDBOX          # Core utilities
options         TINY            # Optimize for size

# Kernel hacking
#options        KD              # Kernel debugger
#options        AUDIT           # Security auditing

# Diagnostic options
#options        DIAG_SCREEN     # Diagnostic via screen
options         DIAG_VBA        # Diagnostic via VBA emulater

# File systems
#options        FIFOFS          # FIFO & Pipe
options         DEVFS           # Device file system
options         RAMFS           # RAM file system
options         ARFS            # Archive file system

# Power management
#options        PM              # Power management
#options        PM_POWERSAVE    # Power policy: Battery optimized
#options        PM_PERFORMANCE  # Power policy: Parformance optimized

# Device drivers (initialization order)
#device         pm              # Power management
device          cons            # System console
device          wscons          # Workstation console
device          lcd             # GBA LCD video (parent:wscons)
device          swkbd           # Software Keyboard (parent:wscons)
device          keypad          # GBA keypad (parent:swkbd)
#device         null            # NULL device
#device         zero            # Zero device
device          ramdisk         # RAM disk

# Hardware configuations

# Command box
#command        cat
command         clear
command         cp
#command        date
#command        dmesg
#command        echo
command         free
#command        head
#command        hostname
#command        kill
command         ls
#command        mkdir
#command        more
#command        mv
#command        nice
#command        printenv
command         ps
#command        pwd
#command        rm
#command        rmdir
command         sh
#command        sleep
#command        sync
#command        test
#command        touch
command         uname

# Adminisrative tools
#command        diskutil
#command        install
#command        pmctrl
#command        ktrace
#command        lock
#command        debug

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */