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Prex Documentation

Technical Papers

* Technology Overview
Gives a quick introduction to the Prex's OS components.

* Kernel Internals
Describes the design and implementation of the Prex microkernel.

* Data Sheet (pdf)
Summarizes the key features and technical specifications.

* Power Management Updated!
Describes the Prex's power management framework and driver interfaces.

* Platform Security New!
Provides an overview of Prex's security model.

Reference Manuals

* Kernel API Reference
Describes the programming interface for the Prex applications.

* Hardware Abstraction Layer
Describes the interface to abstract processor and hardware in the Prex kernel.

* Driver Kernel Interface
Describes the driver helper functions provided by the Prex kernel.

* POSIX Compliance
Provides the list of the POSIX features supported by Prex.

* CmdBox User's Guide
Describes how to use the Unix commands supported in CmdBox.

Developer's Guide

* Prex License
Explains the license of Prex.

* Coding Standard
Describes the coding guidelines for developers.

* Prex Build Guide
Tells you how to build Prex.

* Applications Programming Guide
Tells you how to get started writing Prex programs, including some sample codes.

* Sample Applications
Explains the sample application included in Prex.

* Kernel Debugging Tips and Tricks
Describes how to use the Prex debugging functions.

* Driver Development Guide -
Not available...

Target-specific Howtos

* x86 PC - HOWTO
Provides the platform specific information for x86 PC.

* Game Boy Advance - HOWTO
Provides the platform specific information for Game Boy Advance.

* ARM Integrator - HOWTO
Provides the platform specific information for ARM Integrator.